In 2019, Solar Power World first offered a Top Solar + Storage Installers sublist for those contractors on the main Top Solar Contractors list also involved in the emerging storage market. We will continue to support the Solar + Storage Installer list in 2023.
While the Top Solar Contractors list ranks companies based on kilowatts (kW) installed in the previous year, the Top Solar + Storage sub-list ranks companies based on total kilowatt-hour (kWh) capacity installed in the previous year. Any storage installations considered for this list must have been included with a solar installation in 2022. Solar Power World will not accept wind + storage or stand-alone storage installations.
The best way to collect data for this sublist is to keep track of the total storage capacity (in kWh) installed with your solar projects throughout the year. This is known as the total storage capacity, nameplate capacity, energy capacity, and other names. But it is listed as kWh not kW.
We want to see the nameplate capacity instead of useable capacity. But when nameplate capacity cannot be found, useable capacity will work.
Some examples of where to find total storage capacity:
For residential solar + storage installers, listing the storage capacities of projects should be fairly straight forward. If only installing Tesla Powerwall systems, one battery = 13.5 kWh; two batteries = 27 kWh; etc. Solar Power World determined that ranking this list based on kilowatt-hours rather than number of battery units installed would be the most accurate way to distinguish the differing work among residential, commercial and utility solar + storage installers.
How to apply for the Top Solar + Storage Installers list
Please include a column on your provided solar kilowatt Excel sheet for the Top Solar Contractors list that shows storage capacity installed with your solar projects. Example:
Please email us with any questions: [email protected]