Chint Power Systems is a global power systems provider, designing, manufacturing and supplying high reliability 1.5kW-1MW PV inverters and related power solutions for customers. Headquartered in Shanghai, the international senior management team leverages deep telecom power systems roots for its research and development resource, advanced component control circuits and overall design-for-reliability. CPS is expanding rapidly; growth in Europe, Asia and the USA prompted a factory expansion to 600MW of capacity in 2012.
The state-of-the-art CPS SC family of Grid-tie PV Inverters feature full load high efficiency, high reliability and a user-friendly interface. The patented 3-level NPC technology and control algorithm yield 98% efficiency on the 20kW 3-phase string model. An innovative integrated transformer/inductor subsystem sourced from within the Chint Group enables cost effective 97.6% efficiency on the 100kW central inverter model. And, the 500kW platform is rapidly being deployed widely acoss Asia in projects up to 50MW.
The user-friendly installation, operator interface, professional industrial design, design-for-reliability and overall BoS cost savings give the CPS inverter family a competitive edge for customers in all regions.
CPS America’s nucleus since 2009 has been our R&D laboratory based in Dallas, Texas where we initiate new inverter product designs and then collaborate with the Shanghai productization and operations teams. The “DNA” of the engineering team is rooted in the telecommunications power conversion industry where “Five 9’s” reliability is the norm and zero tolerance for down time is the norm – and ideal disposition for solar inverters development and service.
Tel: 855-584-7168
eMail: [email protected]