The solar panel manufacturing industry is growing in the United States, but demand is still outpacing the current domestic supply. If every U.S. plant is running at its full capacity, the country should be producing nearly 50 GW of solar panels each year. With an expected 2024 installation rate of 40 GW, realistically, the United States should be able to fulfill all panel orders from within its shores. But the data shows otherwise.
Not only are American solar panel assemblers likely not making anywhere near 50 GW of panels, the country is importing more finished panels than it needs for one calendar year. Solar Power World looked at data from the U.S. International Trade Commission to see the bigger picture.
How many cells and panels is the United States importing vs. producing?
Removing First Solar’s 10.7 GW of thin-film manufacturing capacity from the equation, the United States still has the capacity to produce around 40 GW of silicon solar panels. Suniva was the only domestic silicon cell manufacturer to come online before the end of 2024, and its 1-GW capacity likely still hasn’t been reached. So the best measure of how many solar panels the country is making is to look at silicon cell imports.
Data shows that the United States imported 13.89 GW of silicon cells in 2024. Solar cell imports increased throughout the year, likely as more new module assemblers came online. If First Solar produced its full 10.7 GW in 2024, that added to the silicon cell imports means American solar panel companies could have produced around 25 GW of finished panels in 2024.
Data also shows that the country imported 54.3 GW of finished panels in 2024, as project developers secured sufficient supplies to meet timelines through safe harboring.
Where is the United States getting its solar cells?
With various tariff battles and AD/CVD cases in effect, it's become more important to know the country of origin for solar cells. Unsurprisingly, most imported silicon solar cells are coming from Southeast Asia. Of note: only 490 kW of solar cells were imported directly from China in 2024.
Which countries are supplying the United States with solar panels?
The Top 4 countries from which the United States imports solar panels are the same four countries in the ongoing AD/CVD investigation: Vietnam, Thailand, Malaysia and Cambodia. Imports from India, Indonesia and Laos are ticking up. Of note: 621.4 MW of panels came from Mexico, and 122.8 MW came from Canada. The United States imported 68.3 MW of panels directly from China.
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Solar Power World has been reporting on the U.S. solar industry for 15 years, and we're proud to be your home for the latest and most accurate reporting on domestic manufacturing. Not only do our editors track the solar panel space, but we also have been compiling lists of inverter and mounting manufacturers setting up in the United States. You can follow all of our American solar supply chain coverage here.
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