Comments on: The future of clean energy could be decided in the 2024 presidential election /2024/07/the-future-of-clean-energy-2024-presidential-election/ Covering the world of solar power technology, development and installation. Fri, 16 Aug 2024 18:01:07 +0000 hourly 1 By: Solarman3 /2024/07/the-future-of-clean-energy-2024-presidential-election/#comment-146615 Thu, 01 Aug 2024 18:00:58 +0000 /?p=106829#comment-146615 No problem with the law itself but the provisions to get these credits is the problem and needs to go. If you are going to grow an industry why put so much regulatory guidelines on it? Just build and give the credits with out the hassle.

By: Solarman2 /2024/07/the-future-of-clean-energy-2024-presidential-election/#comment-146594 Mon, 29 Jul 2024 19:44:34 +0000 /?p=106829#comment-146594 The pros and cons of any Engineered solution and that includes “social” Engineering solutions. One points out the IRA and what happens to (it), (IF), there are undercurrents set in place some time back with the continuing run on AD/CVD briefs filed by companies claiming Chinese end runs around tariff protections from “dumping solar PV panels, cells and BOM” components from China directly from China or in an around about way by sending solar PV cells and materials to Malaysia to circumvent tariffs.

Biden has also increased some Tariffs on Chinese goods and materials, yet, the overriding realization from the languid effectiveness of the Trump 201, 301 tariffs has not been that effective either. So, one does not know how this will flesh out either until the Treasury Department generates another “guidance document” which will lay out the tariffs, which items from where and enter these in the current 201, 301 tariff lists. The over all foolishness in all of this is, Congress over decades has not been proactive and is now trying to be (reactive) to remediate a problem where China now has MOUs or ownership of about 60% of the Worlds know Lithium raw supply chains. Then China has been busy for at least 20 years building up refineries, for raw to feed stock materials used in manufacturing World wide and owns about 80% of the silicon foundries for Amorphous and Crystalline silicon used in the solar PV and IC chip industries World wide. To keep businesses afloat, all the “tariff” does in this situation is cost the U.S. consumer more per item bought either due to being the only item that is also made in China or is made even in the U.S. with Chinese materials and feedstocks that are under the tariff guidance.

No U.S. supply chains, tariffs to “protect” U.S. manufacturing interests and who gets rich? The U.S. Treasury. You can reduce “income” tax to give folks more money to spend, when one looks at the tariff protectionist concept with no one else to turn to but China, you are erasing tax relief with inflationary tariff goods increases.
