Comments on: With more compensation and incentive options, energy storage adoption is on the rise 2023 Trends in Solar /2023/01/with-more-compensation-and-incentive-options-energy-storage-adoption-is-on-the-rise/ Covering the world of solar power technology, development and installation. Mon, 09 Jan 2023 21:06:15 +0000 hourly 1 By: Solarman /2023/01/with-more-compensation-and-incentive-options-energy-storage-adoption-is-on-the-rise/#comment-138998 Mon, 09 Jan 2023 21:06:15 +0000 /?p=100886#comment-138998 “And residential storage systems can better navigate time-of-use rates and enroll in more grid participation programs straight away, shortening system payback periods.”

California is forcing this kind of adoption with high electricity prices. It is now (more) important to have some substantial smart ESS installed at one’s home first and go with solar PV second. IF one can’t budget solar PV + smart ESS, then go with the ESS first and get resiliency components first, then go towards solar PV array and depending on system components one can go with A.C. or D.C. coupling and I believe Humless Universal claims they can DO A.C. and D.C. coupling. Basically one can put a chunk of money into an ESS, with the proper energy programs in place the homeowner can use arbitrage for energy cost savings, then add solar PV and store, time shift energy for use at night and during TOU energy costs during the day or night. Depending on electricity use of a particular home, one would probably want from 60kWh to maybe a little over 100kWh of energy storage for arbitrage, TOU price clipping and resiliency due to grid outages like the infamous California PSPS, depending on weather patterns could last from hours to days.
