Comments on: States finally recognize unique capabilities of solar + storage systems in interconnection planning 2023 Trends in Solar /2023/01/states-finally-recognize-capabilities-solar-storage-interconnection/ Covering the world of solar power technology, development and installation. Thu, 12 Jan 2023 18:07:31 +0000 hourly 1 By: Paul Johnson /2023/01/states-finally-recognize-capabilities-solar-storage-interconnection/#comment-139038 Thu, 12 Jan 2023 18:07:31 +0000 /?p=100866#comment-139038 Hello Wayne. Having previously offered it with another company and doing the due diligence, I confer with Kelly on the “not fans” assessment. Their specs do point out pitch limitations and I assume you’re good with that but I think your comment on 4 attempts with Tesla speaks for itself; the communication will not get better. Having been in this industry for a while, and knowing so many former Tesla employees, I’d say keep other options open, but that’s just my 2 cents. Best of luck!

By: Solarman /2023/01/states-finally-recognize-capabilities-solar-storage-interconnection/#comment-139029 Thu, 12 Jan 2023 03:16:01 +0000 /?p=100866#comment-139029 I noticed in the picture SolArc inverters are being used. One can set these systems up for A.C. or D.C. and even A.C. and D.C. charging of the battery pack. One can install a transfer switch and a secondary C.B. panel that can be powered by the grid or by the battery backed ESS as a resilience system. The battery backed ESS is becoming more sophisticated to the point of micro-grid applications at the residential level. Grid agnostic is a good thing for the retail residential user, not so good for the rote IOU electric utilities. Smart C.B. panels and circuit breaker blocks can tailor a system for power shedding allowing an ESS to power critical circuits in the home in perpituity. So, grid tied, all grid or off grid. Is the grid reliable, one doesn’t care so much about that anymore. Is the grid up or down?, Whatevers dude.

By: Solarman /2023/01/states-finally-recognize-capabilities-solar-storage-interconnection/#comment-139028 Thu, 12 Jan 2023 02:58:11 +0000 /?p=100866#comment-139028 There is still the physics of solar PV cells in general to keep in mind. Solar tiles can be made and installed on one’s roof and yet when one puts them directly on the roof as part of the “roofing” material, the common air gap allowed by installing racking and panels on a roof allows better cooling and solar PV output during any given day of operation. The tiles will be derated due to temperature changes throughout the year. Some of the early TESLA designs show roof tiles with connectors that snap into other TESLA tiles to make arrays. It is not clear how TESLA solar PV tile 3.0 fares in current roofing installations. Solar PV framed and individual panels are at least a 50 year old technology and proven to be robust in the many climates and roofs the panels are installed on. With micro-inverters or converters each panel can have an addressable module to send information to a web site to gather and display how the solar PV array performs on any given day. The addressable inverters/converters can also be used to troubleshoot panel and or micro-inverter, converter problems for quick replacement or repair.

By: Kelly Pickerel /2023/01/states-finally-recognize-capabilities-solar-storage-interconnection/#comment-139020 Wed, 11 Jan 2023 19:33:40 +0000 /?p=100866#comment-139020 In reply to Wayne Yancey.

We’re not huge fans. Here’s more info about solar shingles: /2019/04/the-latest-on-solar-roofs-solar-shingles-and-solar-tiles/

By: Wayne Yancey /2023/01/states-finally-recognize-capabilities-solar-storage-interconnection/#comment-139017 Wed, 11 Jan 2023 17:36:23 +0000 /?p=100866#comment-139017 Good morning Kelsey,
My name is Wayne Yancey. I am a specifier for CallisonRTKL (Architecture | Interior Design) in Seattle WA.
I have a project on the island of Lana’i HI anticipating the use of Tesla Solar shingles for a large steep pitched roof for a commercial project.
Wikipedia is unflattering about Tesla and Tesla Solar shingles. Do you or your colleagues have factual information about this product? Good, bad or indifferent.
I have made 4 attempts via a Tesla online chat to learn technical information about how these panels are installed and the recommended structure supporting the shingles.

I would appreciate your opinions.
