Comments on: Over 240 solar companies ask Commerce to toss AD/CVD circumvention case /2022/11/over-240-solar-companies-ask-commerce-to-toss-anticircumvention-case/ Covering the world of solar power technology, development and installation. Wed, 16 Nov 2022 16:31:58 +0000 hourly 1 By: Solarman /2022/11/over-240-solar-companies-ask-commerce-to-toss-anticircumvention-case/#comment-138274 Wed, 16 Nov 2022 16:31:58 +0000 /?p=100477#comment-138274 ““The Inflation Reduction Act has launched a steady stream of manufacturing investments in the United States, but more tariffs will only undermine this success.””

The 201 tariffs brought against China has pretty much proven the U.S. can hurt themselves when China owns the majority of the supply chain, materials, refining the World needs to manufacture a product, in this case the mining, refining, foundry and manufacturing of wafers and cells to produce solar PV panels around the World. Either your country has their own supply chain from end to end or they rely on China to feed their daily manufacturing. We are in an era of the possibilities of just how dire supply chain constrictions, geopolitical and political sanctions can affect an entire country’s economic health and welfare. The company that promoted the AD/CVD Auxin Solar, has anyone taken a “deep dive” into who actually owns and finances this company? I smell interference beyond the claims of ‘other countries’ trying to influence American politics. So, after all the claims, shell companies, denials and a trip to the the philosophical application of “Occam’s razor” would we find a consortium of big oil and or big energy funding this one whiner to change the course of solar PV in the U.S.? Perhaps the SEC and the FTC should involve themselves in this Auxin Solar complaint. A company of around something like 100 employees, that ‘can’ manufacture 150MW of panels a (year) can hold up and even stop the flow of GW of needed solar PV panels to complete just the projects in the many construction queues around the U.S. right now is destructive and unnecessary to the industry as a whole. Foisting tariffs and costs of solar PV panels to rise in an attempt to “support” 150 employees from one company is insane. Yeah, sacrifice the momentum of solar PV application and construction from the residential system to large scale because one small company can’t compete with large international solar PV companies. The action is having the effect on construction of solar PV across the U.S. and is pushing back time lines for projects that should have been constructed when interest rates were hovering around 3% instead of around 7% today. Sacrificing this momentum has already hurt the “mandate” of grid decarbonization by 2035, all for one small solar PV company that can’t manufacture cost competitive solar PV panels. There is something so (wrong) in this whole process and complaint.
