Comments on: Steel is being considered as an alternative to aluminum solar panel frames /2022/08/steel-is-seriously-being-considered-as-an-alternative-to-aluminum-solar-panel-frames/ Covering the world of solar power technology, development and installation. Tue, 18 Oct 2022 21:18:55 +0000 hourly 1 By: ralph culbert /2022/08/steel-is-seriously-being-considered-as-an-alternative-to-aluminum-solar-panel-frames/#comment-134438 Mon, 22 Aug 2022 15:37:38 +0000 /?p=99322#comment-134438 It is a little miss leading in my opinion. Yes it takes less emissions to produce 1 ton of steel compared to 1 ton of aluminum, but how may frames can be built per ton per aluminum and steel? As stated by others I think we should compare on a per panel.

By: Phillip /2022/08/steel-is-seriously-being-considered-as-an-alternative-to-aluminum-solar-panel-frames/#comment-134189 Wed, 17 Aug 2022 04:11:00 +0000 /?p=99322#comment-134189 In reply to Grant Hemmet.

Well it makes more sense finacialy to use steel framing instead of aluminum.

By: Dallas Yenawine /2022/08/steel-is-seriously-being-considered-as-an-alternative-to-aluminum-solar-panel-frames/#comment-133894 Fri, 12 Aug 2022 14:45:19 +0000 /?p=99322#comment-133894 In reply to Kelly Pickerel.

Kelly. you need to check your math on your MWh to CO2 conversions. Your numbers are inconsistent. Also for an apples to apples comparison you need energy per frame, including required coating for steel and differing fabrication energy costs. Energy per ton of metal is pretty useless. Lastly, you need to factor in the near universal recycling of aluminum and the vast energy savings achieved when this is done. On more point of fact. You say steel is inherently stronger than aluminum. Since all other measurements in your article are by weight, this is false. Aluminum is far stronger than steel by weight. That is why they don’t make steel airplanes.

By: Kelly Pickerel /2022/08/steel-is-seriously-being-considered-as-an-alternative-to-aluminum-solar-panel-frames/#comment-133799 Thu, 11 Aug 2022 11:25:34 +0000 /?p=99322#comment-133799 In reply to Ken C Fenske.

In the article, it says: “it takes 13.5 MWh of thermal power to produce one tonne of aluminum (equivalent to 11.2 tonnes of CO2), while it only takes 4.5 MWh to make one tonne of steel (1.8 tonnes of CO2).”

By: Ken C Fenske /2022/08/steel-is-seriously-being-considered-as-an-alternative-to-aluminum-solar-panel-frames/#comment-133751 Thu, 11 Aug 2022 01:36:06 +0000 /?p=99322#comment-133751 Steel is graver to comparing cost and emissions solely by weight tells me nothing. The steel frame is heavier as stated in the article. What is the cost and emissions on a frame alone basis?

By: Grant Hemmet /2022/08/steel-is-seriously-being-considered-as-an-alternative-to-aluminum-solar-panel-frames/#comment-133709 Wed, 10 Aug 2022 09:59:03 +0000 /?p=99322#comment-133709 Origami is spot on about the future of steel framing. Furthermore, Steel prodcution itself is going green, “green steel” which will further reduce, if not completely reduce CO2 emissions. If I was Origami I would be talking with QCELLS. Could very well be a perfect fit and a low carbon fottprint made in the USA.
