Comments on: UPDATE: Biden to pause DOC tariffs for two years while investigation continues /2022/06/biden-seems-likely-to-pause-tariffs-from-doc-for-two-years-while-investigation-continues/ Covering the world of solar power technology, development and installation. Mon, 06 Jun 2022 20:19:34 +0000 hourly 1 By: Solarman /2022/06/biden-seems-likely-to-pause-tariffs-from-doc-for-two-years-while-investigation-continues/#comment-130593 Mon, 06 Jun 2022 20:19:34 +0000 /?p=98780#comment-130593 It has been pointed out in articles right here that China pretty much owns the silicon foundry and supply chain of the Worlds manufacturers. Tariffs aren’t going to work and perhaps what (needs) to happen is this company Auxin Solar needs to be investigated by the FTC and SEC for improper use of the (AD/CVD) process. Who are the principles of Auxin, where are they invested, this smells like a run around trade laws and some kind of “pump and dump” scheme with Auxin sitting at the top of the “pyramid” waiting for another layer of protectionism for Auxin principles to siphon off of. After harvesting the spoils of protectionism, Auxin Solar can file bankruptcy and sail off with the claim “we tried” and more money in their pockets by gaming the system.
