Comments on: DOE sets goal requiring 700% more community solar over next four years /2021/10/doe-new-goal-700-percent-more-community-solar/ Covering the world of solar power technology, development and installation. Tue, 08 Feb 2022 18:15:22 +0000 hourly 1 By: Watch, Dan /2021/10/doe-new-goal-700-percent-more-community-solar/#comment-124739 Tue, 08 Feb 2022 18:15:22 +0000 /?p=96184#comment-124739 Do you have a tool kit(s) that help explain how to create a community solar projects from the perspective of;
a citizen who would click to join as a partner to receive green energy
a politician wanting to create policy as well as projects to support low and moderate incomes
developers who want to build these projects.

How do we make community solar happen now!

By: Solarman /2021/10/doe-new-goal-700-percent-more-community-solar/#comment-114002 Fri, 08 Oct 2021 20:50:23 +0000 /?p=96184#comment-114002 The “Solar Futures Study” is firming up the drive towards (buildings) “all electrification” and the concept of a future replacement of ICE transportation with BEV transportation. The EIA likes to report the yearly energy consumption in the U.S. in quadrillion BTUs per year. Right now the U.S. is using right around 100 quadrillion BTUs a year or 100 ‘quads’. Combined for building and transportation that’s around 76% to 80% of all energy used in the U.S. energy budget and puts one at the task of capturing and generating 76 to 80 quads a year. In this use case, the more individual distributed solar PV and or wind generation with energy storage, the more efficient and capable energy generation, storage and dispatch will be.
