Comments on: New entrants bring flexibility in rapid shutdown device choice 2021 Trends in Solar /2021/01/new-entrants-bring-flexibility-rapid-shutdown-devices/ Covering the world of solar power technology, development and installation. Mon, 08 Feb 2021 20:33:49 +0000 hourly 1 By: Yi Kang /2021/01/new-entrants-bring-flexibility-rapid-shutdown-devices/#comment-101950 Mon, 08 Feb 2021 20:33:49 +0000 /?p=93024#comment-101950 That’s good point, those products which is using PLC signals to initiate rapid shutdown function had that challenges you mentioned, like not be able to perform IV analysis before commissioned.

But it had been conquered after APsmart developed a simple handy tool: RSD-Start Kit. This tool can turn on all SunSpec RSD PLC communication protocol devices(receivers) independently, including Tigo’s systems, temperately switching RSD system on isolated just like FireRaptor does. Then installers could measure string dc open air voltages, perform IV tracing, or do self-checking string inverters without Grid. The most important: field engineers could do troubleshooting easily now, especially on string inverter side.

For MLPE, I would suggest customers to pay attention on services quality rather than how many years manufactures promised warranty, and that’s why we believe following SunSpec Alliance as multi-vendors solutions would be benefit for whole industry. After all, the NEC RSD codes will bring more surprises than people imaged…..

By: Solarman /2021/01/new-entrants-bring-flexibility-rapid-shutdown-devices/#comment-100827 Thu, 21 Jan 2021 23:04:29 +0000 /?p=93024#comment-100827 “Module-level rapid shutdown has added cost and time to installations, but also brings important protection to first responders in case of a fire. Although rapid shutdown devices can vary widely, installers should review test reports like those from PVEL to ensure rapid shutdown functionality before choosing which of these important devices to use.”

This is what I see as the major problem, no consistency, more costs to the homeowner and no real “way” to verify a system works when commissioned. Yeah, you can trip the protection and look at end voltage, but this does not necessarily prove the power out allowed is really safe or effective. The mentioned FireRaptor device that needs no power line communications and has a 20 year warranty sounds more reliable than some of the other products on the market now. Over just the past five years, manufacturers have brought out simplified roof mounting systems that do less intrusion into the roof structure and make it easier to install a roof mount array. The old Engineering adage KISS still applies. Although solar PV has a better ROI than it did just 15 years ago, the installation of solar PV and now more often smart ESS is still a marathon not a sprint.
