Comments on: Corporations have taken a major stand against dirty electricity 2021 Trends in Solar /2021/01/corporations-have-taken-a-major-stand-against-dirty-electricity/ Covering the world of solar power technology, development and installation. Thu, 19 Aug 2021 10:51:27 +0000 hourly 1 By: Purvi Singh /2021/01/corporations-have-taken-a-major-stand-against-dirty-electricity/#comment-111528 Thu, 19 Aug 2021 10:51:27 +0000 /?p=93011#comment-111528 Nice article to read. Thanks for sharing.

By: Andrew Lane aka Captain PLaneT /2021/01/corporations-have-taken-a-major-stand-against-dirty-electricity/#comment-101971 Tue, 09 Feb 2021 04:57:51 +0000 /?p=93011#comment-101971 Amén and Hallelujah, I’ve been after many a restaurant in Atlanta to do what this Solar Starbucks in Los Angles did! After all 99 times out of 100 the leafy green answer is the green dollar answer that will not only pay itself off but make money for decades to come!

And what a discovery about Semper Solaris in the comments above, as a US Marine trained on Parris Island in 1992, I was recently in the neighborhood and popped in for a visit! Low and behold my 1st Battalion Barracks are covered with about 50kW, as is the 1st Bn Chow Hall right next door! And if one goes there for a Platoon/Company Graduation they will undoubtedly he directed to park in the massive parking lot next to the Parade Deck….but parking in the sun will be a problem as it is covered with 200-300kW! All in all it is written that Parris Island has 5.5 Megawatts! Semper Solaris Indeed !

By: Solarman /2021/01/corporations-have-taken-a-major-stand-against-dirty-electricity/#comment-101023 Mon, 25 Jan 2021 17:55:18 +0000 /?p=93011#comment-101023 “The United States may have abandoned the Paris Agreement, an international treaty combatting climate change, but not everyone is silently standing by. More businesses and corporations are adopting progressive environmental goals, with solar investments at the top of their lists.”

Kind of dampens one’s enthusiasm for Agreements, pacts or other Diplomatic word spectacles as the actual path to change the status quo. This whole Paris Agreement thing, reminds me of awkward teenagers trying to court. Businesses are catching on, without a political push. The way the retail electricity market is formulated, most ratepayers are getting stuck in TOU or demand charge rate schedules that spike their electricity costs over the month. Businesses can save 30 to 50% on their electric bills just by generating their own power during these “demand charge periods”.

By: Semper Solaris /2021/01/corporations-have-taken-a-major-stand-against-dirty-electricity/#comment-100883 Fri, 22 Jan 2021 21:52:59 +0000 /?p=93011#comment-100883 This line! “Now more than ever, a company’s responsibility extends beyond caring for their economic impact to caring for their employees and the environment. This is coupled with the fact that solar is now the most competitively priced form of energy, giving businesses and public entities both an ethical and financial justification for investing in large solar projects,”

This is 100% accurate and it’s great to see Major companies such as Starbucks finally make a stand to not only help the environment, but educate others on the way we should be generating electricity. More companies should hopefully follow and we will see a much cleaner future.
